Kia Telluride Markups Can Reach $10,000

Kia Telluride Markups Can Reach $10,000

Telluriding high.

Do you remember when buying a Kia was a decision based on value? Customers are now spending more for the Kia Telluride SUV. You think you could walk into a Kia dealership and get a great deal on the Telluride SUV? You’d be wrong, CarsDirect says you would only pay the MSRP to drive one home.

Although the Kia Telluride has been in production for more than two years, Kia can’t keep up with consumer demand. To take home a Telluride, dedicated customers will need to overcome the low supply and spend more sticker. Telluride’s primary selling point was its value-for-money, based on quality and features. Customers used to believe they would get more from Kias, but this is not true for Telluride customers, who often pay more than MSRP.

Kia Telluride Markups Can Reach $10,000

It’s not unusual for dealers to markup vehicles that have limited production numbers. This is a common practice among Ford dealers, which are known for markingup F150 Raptors and Ford Focus RS’s. The Kia Telluride is a great product but it’s not GT500.

This is what makes this situation so fascinating. This is a Kia SUV, which has been on sale for 2 years in one the most competitive segments of the automotive industry. Yet customers are waiting to get their hands on it.

A Kia Telluride can be purchased at a $10,000 markup. This will allow you to drive a more well-equipped BMW or Audi. Imagine that you heard this ten years ago. Telluride is now a darling of customers searching for a bargain and a status symbol in limited supplies.