F1 cars will be two seconds slower due to a diffuser ban

F1 cars will be two seconds slower due to a diffuser ban

Brawn, Williams, and Toyota surprised their competitors last year by creating cars with the controversial rear aerodynamic design.

Early simulations indicate that the formula one cars next year will be around two seconds slower per lap.

Brawn, Williams, and Toyota surprised their competitors last year by creating cars with the controversial rear aerodynamic design.

After the FIA had declared the concept legal, the rest of the teams quickly introduced double diffusers. Then they based their 2010 cars upon a deeper understanding of the concept.

For 2011, however, traditional diffusers will be back. It is hoped that the double diffuser ban, which was introduced in 2009 to address major aerodynamic rules changes, will reduce the car’s speed and allow for easier overtaking.

Red Bull, not one of the original diffuser companies, introduced its first double diffuser in Monaco exactly one year ago.

Christian Horner, team boss, stated in the Principality that “if you compare where it has evolved to today it’s just monumental.”

He stated that the “basic simulation”, which he used, shows a lap loss of “in the vicinity of two seconds or more” for non-diffuser vehicles of 2011.

Horner said, “It’s going be a huge change and it’s going be an interesting challenge.”

Engineers are creative people. I’m sure that they’ll recover some of their laptime loss, but it’s a significant decrease in downforce for next years.”