You’ll find clues to the American origin of this item if you look closely.
Replicas are not for everyone, no matter what make or manufacturer. Let’s be honest, and real for a second: when a model’s rarity is high, or original cars sell for seven-figure sums of money, it’s okay to recreate the essence of that vehicle with a nice replica like this one at MotorGT.
This Mercedes-Benz 300 SL is a rare example. These cars sell for more than a million dollars, so it is not possible that anyone would make a restoration from an original vehicle. However, this car looks great with the lack of chrome and fat tires. But, what if you wanted to convert a 1996 Chevrolet Corvetteinto an 300 SL clone. This is a little more plausible.
How can we tell if this is a rebodied ‘Vette. The 1996-era 5.7-liter LT-1 v8 engine can be clearly identified under the hood, aside from what the seller describes. The half-moon instrument cluster of the Corvette with its digital speedometer is clearly visible from the inside. It’s hidden behind a Mercedes badged steering wheel. We are a little puzzled by the rear seat, as both the Corvette and 300 SL are two-seaters. It’s hard to imagine that there would be much space back there for someone with legs. But if you’ve ever wanted a classic Merc Gullwing or a ‘Vette with a back-seat, you can find it here.
The car has 17-inch wheels and shifts with the Corvette’s four-speed automatic. We don’t know anything else. It is available for sale in North Hollywood California. Although $110,000 may seem high for a C4 Corvette with a Mercedes Benz suit it’s a bargain compared to the actual 300 SL coupes on sale these days. It’s cool and has the gullwing door. The engine still produces 300 horsepower (224 kilowatts), which is a lot for such a light car.
MotorGT is part’s Motorsport Network. MotorGT is a high-end marketplace that sells the most rare, fastest and coolest cars. It searches the globe for the finest exotics, hypercars and super cars as well as classics and race cars. We recommend buying one if you have the money.