Mustang Family Drag Race: Father and Son Take on Each Other

Holy wheelstand Batman

Many videos have been featured on the wheels YouTube channel. They focus on drag racing at Mission Raceway Park, near Vancouver. Many of these videos feature old-versus-new models racing down the strip. This time it’s all-Mustang. The family bond extends beyond the pony-blade, and it’s much more than that. The Mustangs were driven by their father and son. They are serious competitive.
Mustang Versus the World

Jason and Justin Gibson, say hello. We don’t really know much about them, or any details about their cars. But we do know that Jason is the older racer with an elder car, in this instance a 1966.

Mustang coupe. Justin’s Mustang, a 1990 Fox Body notchback, isn’t exactly new but it is 24 years old on his father’s first generation steed. Drag racing is not about age, and these two cars are absolutely fine at taking down the strip.

This video, which was uploaded on November 1, shows a series races between the two cars over what appears to have been multiple events. Both cars are able to make low-nine second passes, so the details don’t really matter. The cars appear to be evenly matched in performance, and it is evident that the rivalry between them is not just about running the fastest time. This clearly shows that there is some one-upmanship. We have to give credit to Justin for his truly amazing wheelstands on the Fox.
Mustang Versus the World
Mustang Family Drag Race: Father and Son Take on Each Other1966.

Is this a sign of power that translates to victory at the other side of the track? This video shows three races. Dad wins at least one. Although all the races are close, the whole family wins because they share a passion for racing. Check out the video to see which family member wins most.