Amazingly, the results of drag racing are very close.
In a drag race, an Audi R8 Plus would normally have no trouble beating an Audi TT RS. But not in this instance. Car Wow offers a TT with upgrades to ABT, and additional tuning by another company.
The runway on which the cars are racing is wet. Some spots have standing water, while others are covered in puddles. These vehicles both have all-wheel drive but there is still some traction to be aware of.
The first drag race sets the tone for all subsequent races. They are very closely matched. The tuned TT has a slight advantage and wins by a nose.
The pair then swap runway sides. The R8 seems to be the winner in this lane, as it wins narrowly. They do another to determine the winner.The R8’s instant torque gives it an advantage in rolling races. When they start at 50 mph (81 km/h), the tuned TT is unable to keep up.