These are the 10 worst cities for drivers in the world

The ten best places to drive around the world are also listed.

Poor infrastructure, pollution, and road rage are all factors that can make a city a desirable or unfavorable place to drive. European car parts retailer MisterAuto conducted a study to determine the best and worst places to drive in the world. While the results are generally not surprising, there are a few surprises on the top 10 list.

Let’s first look at the methodology of the study before we get into the details. MisterAuto gathered data in three main categories: infrastructure, safety and costs. Then, a shortlist was compiled of 100 cities. Each category considers smaller factors such as traffic congestion, number of cars per capita and road and public transport quality. Road rage, fuel prices and annual road tax are just some of the other factors that each category looks at. The final index includes 15 factors.

These are the 10 worst cities for drivers in the world

Calgary, Canada is home to some of the most successful drivers on the planet. A study has revealed that Calgary is the top city for drivers. The list also includes Bern (Switzerland), Dubai, Ottawa, Bern, and El Paso. Mumbai is the worst place to drive in the world, and it’s quite different. Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia is second, followed closely by Kolkata in India. These are the top 10 worst and best cities in the world:

Sebastien Rohart (Managing Director of Mister Auto) comments that there are many cities where it is impossible to open your window while driving. This is due to the smog and pollution caused by cars. We included air quality because we wanted to find out which cities are doing the best to tackle the problem of pollution and make it easy for citizens to travel from A to B.