Renee Brinkerhoff races on every continent in an effort to raise funds and awareness for human trafficking.
Renee Brinkerhoff has been racing for a cause over the past few years with her Valkyrie Racing crew. She drives a Porsche 356, a classic Porsche. Most racers would not bother, as simply getting to Antarctica can be difficult, let alone racing a Porsche. Yet, images of a modified Porsche 356 cruising on tracks and skis are shared via magnetomagazine. This is indeed happening.
Valkyrie Racing’s Project 356 will culminate in Antarctica. It was launched in 2017 and has travelled 20,000 miles through six of the most hostile regions in the world. The team’s Instagram account is documenting the journey to Antarctica. This motoring expedition will end with 356 miles through Antarctica. It is a tribute to the Porsche vintage that Brinkerhoff will drive. However, one doesn’t just take a regular car to Antarctica. The Drive reports that the 55-year old Porsche has a track conversion on its rear axles and skis at the front. There’s also a winch point at rear, an emergency kit and a special window in the rear to assist with emergency escape should the car get stuck in the ice. This will not be a disaster scenario thanks to the tracks and skis leaving a soft footprint on the ground.
The Drive reports that Brinkerhoff will sprint across Union Glacier’s frozen ice runway to set the new speed record. It is not known if the tracks or skis will remain on the car, or if it will be riding on normal studded tires. Given the runway can accommodate large aircraft, it is safe to assume that there are no concerns about breaking through with a 1956 Porsche 356. Project 356 will be ending with this adventure in December. Brinkerhoff and Valkyrie Racing raised over half a million dollars to combat human trafficking.