Watch Dump Truck Tires Roll Down Highway, Jump Median And Destroy A Jeep

It is quite frightening to see.

Many of us expect unexpected outcomes when driving on the highway, such as distracted and inattentive drivers, speeders and road-rage commuters. But we don’t often think that we’ll ever see a tire just rolling down the road. This is what one person captured on video this week. And the horrifying results.

This is a short video showing a large tire. Witnesses told that it was a dump truck. The tire is seen rolling down New Jersey Route 440 and careening towards the median. The tire then flies into the air and bounces on top of the car before crashing into traffic. After clipping one vehicle, the tire ramming into the front of a Jeep Wrangler. The clip ends just after that, but not before the Jeep explodes in a cloud full of dust and debris.

Watch Dump Truck Tires Roll Down Highway, Jump Median And Destroy A Jeep

According to ABC7 John Rice from Piscataway in New Jersey, John Rice was driving behind the Jeep’s wheels when he noticed the tire approaching him. He was behind Allison, his wife, and their three young children when he saw the tire coming towards him. Allison claims she was afraid the tire would hit her windshield. Allison said that the tire hit her vehicle and clipped the rear end. Then it crashed into the Jeep.

The horrific accident did not result in any serious injuries to John, Allison, or the children. Any more bounce could have resulted in disaster for everyone on the road. According to the news outlet the Rice family and the New Jersey State Police, who are investigating the incident would love to know the origin of the tire. Witnesses claimed that the tire was from a dump truck. You can see the fuzzy gray silhouette of one in this video, just before the rolling tire.