Hoonigans Convert Race Car Bed into A Real Car

The Hoonigans will make every child’s dreams come true.

As a child, most car lovers wanted a race car bed. The latest episode of garage features Dan Sommer’s brilliant idea to transform a race car bed into a car that can run and all the other necessities. The project’s car bed is a Ferrari Testarossa. Before the madness starts, Dan and the other Hoonigans had the task of figuring out how to power the car bed. They looked around for possible candidates and found a shifter-kart lying around.
Hoonigans Convert Race Car Bed into A Real Car

The guys take a possible power unit and try to get the engine started. Dan attempts to start the engine, but it doesn’t seem like it is getting any spark. He also adds fuel to check for fuel. Hhoonigan Casey, a fellow Hhoonigan, suggests that the carburetor might be at fault. He will inspect the motor and clean it if necessary. Casey discovered a small blockage in the carburetor, which he cleaned out. Dan started the engine, and it ran smoothly.

Hoonigans Convert Race Car Bed into A Real Car

Shortly after the motor started, HHIC (Head Hoonigan in Charge) Ken Block came by to have a look at the latest garage project. Block shared his excitement about the bed-car project with his children after a few laughs. Block also asked why Dan chose the 250cc motor. Dan explained that he wanted to live, not die, while driving the motor. This makes a lot more sense. Finally, the wheel wells were removed to allow for the wheels and tires. To make the bed longer, the frame of the shifter kart was also extended. Dan and his crew are already off to a good start, considering this is only the first phase. We are looking forward to the next installment in the series but, for now, is it.