This DeLorean Hovercraft will cost you $45,000

Fly to the future and forget about everything that is flat. loves the DeLorean. We have seen many of them and are always tempted to buy. We are particularly interested in this particular example because it isn’t a car. Not at all.

You can see the machine in the video above and the attached gallery below. It is a unique DeLorean hovercraft. It was hand-built and fully functional. It’s not just a DeLorean body that is bolted to the hovercraft. The housing has been sculpted from Styrofoam so it looks like the real thing.

This DeLorean Hovercraft will cost you $45,000

The blueprints for the entire machine are taken from the Universal Hovercraft UH-13PT. This is where the basic shapes of the hull and skirt were drawn. To imitate the original hue, the DeLorean’s body is covered in fiberglass and painted metallic.

The power comes from a Briggs & Stratton Vanguard riding mower-style engine of 23 horsepower (17-kilowatts) for the 36 inch thrust fan, and a B&S875 Professional Series push mower motor for the 24-inch lift fans. The machine can hover above almost any flat surface, including water, land and ice as well as snow, sand, asphalt, and snow. On water, the maximum speed of the powertrain configuration is approximately 31 miles per hour.
The seller explained that he spent the past few months improving the hovercraft and making sure it is in “the best condition of its life.”

This DeLorean Hovercraft will cost you $45,000

If you’re interested in purchasing the hovercraft, the seller will take you on a ride and show you how to drive it. He will also give you free telephone consultations to answer any technical questions that you may have following the purchase. Are you still waiting?