A Girl Changes Her Clothes in Front of Semi and Instantly Crashes

A Girl Changes Her Clothes in Front of Semi and Instantly Crashes

This is an amazing idea!

It’s a typical day on America’s highways, until someone does something stupid. The offender in this case appears to have been a lady who was seen changing her clothes while driving down the highway in her Toyota Corolla. Unfortunately, the video doesn’t capture the actual fashion faux pas but it does show what the consequences are.

This clip was posted by YouTuber and trucker Ken Conley. It was only posted a few days ago. The video description contains all the information we need. It states that the accident occurred on the I-270 exit ramp for I-44 Missouri. This places the incident in St. Louis. We also use the description of the crash to determine the cause, which is also belted out loudly by the truck driver in this video. The damage appears to have been done to the Toyota, so it seems that there were no injuries.

We don’t know what she was thinking, but if the girl is true to her claim that she was changing a shirt, we are not surprised. The major city interchanges at major highway crossings can be complex enough without having to do the extra gymnastics of wearing clothes in tight quarters. Even though traffic was not stop-and-go it was enough to make the semi driver almost miss his exit. All of us have been guilty of not being fully focused on driving behind a wheel at times. But we don’t know of any worse place to decide that driving isn’t our number one priority. Conley deserves kudos for stopping the car quickly and safely. Was the horn really needed?

Americans are currently focusing on the dangers of texting and using cell phones while driving. However, these symptoms are only the latest manifestations of a problem as old as the automobile itself. Distracted driving is dangerous, whether you’re trying to send a message via text, using the radio, eating a hamburger, or messing around with your clothes. This is the moral of the story: Drive the damn car when you are behind the wheel.