This video is for you if you’re fussy about the paint.
It’s amazing, friends. Some of us have been in Coronavirus quarantine well over a year now and yes, we are watching a person blow dry a car. We are writing about someone blow drying a car. Do not be alarmed, but keep that funny retort about slow news because there is a reason we are featuring this clip. You might even leave this article with some real knowledge about keeping your beloved car shiny and clean.
This video is from JP details on YouTube. It answers a question we are sure you have been obsessing about for at least a few seconds. It takes us 30 minutes to dry the car. It takes just 30 minutes to dry this Mercedes E-Class coupe using a heated air dryer with a power of 4.2 horsepower.
This is a lot of work compared to using towels and a chamois. The detailer in the clip says that the dryer won’t work well unless the car is freshly detailed. And Ceramic coated. It can also be used outside in the heat or wind, and it will likely dry quickly, leaving behind nasty water spots.
An air dryer is a waste of time. There are many good reasons to use an air dryer, especially if your paint job is high-end and slick. The first is obvious: Nothing touches paint. This is always a great thing. Even the most soft towels can leave slight swirl marks on the car. These swirls will only get worse as you dry it. Hot air can push water out from crevices, which will eventually streak down your car. This happens usually after you have applied a fresh coat of wax. It may take longer but it is worth it if you have the right conditions.
This video is another option for car-crazy people to consider. The combination of the air dryer and towels can help prolong your shiny finish. You can quickly blast water from crevices or off large surfaces with the air dryer. However, towels can be more thorough than those of a towel. Having some towels on hand can prevent water spots from developing.
See? This was not just about a guy blow-drying cars. You now know the truth, and that is half of the battle.