Boat is smashed into truck that was towing it

Boat is smashed into truck that was towing it

This crash is unique in terms of crashes.

This is something you won’t see every single day. It’s something that we believe the people in this Ram 2500 pickup will never, ever again see. It’s a truly frightening scene. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. According to reports, everyone was treated on the spot. Although we aren’t certain if the treatment included a change in underwear, the above photo shows us a severe case of butterflies in our stomachs.

It occurred in Union Hill, New York on July 21st. According to the Union Hill Fire Department’s Facebook page, there was a call at 5:38 p.m. regarding a multi-vehicle collision. In this case, multivehicle clearly has a wider definition. We can only imagine the thoughts of first responders when they arrived on the scene.

Boat is smashed into truck that was towing it

Other than what Union Hill Fire Department has posted online, we haven’t been able to find any additional information. The photos don’t show any damage to other vehicles or the Ram 2500 that was towing the boat. The driver may have made a hard stop in an effort to avoid running a red light. Or perhaps the RAM was forced to brake hard by another vehicle. The boat was not as interested in slowing down.

Similar to the trailer, we don’t know what went wrong. The winch mechanism at front appears to be in good shape, although it is missing a hook or strap. It appears that the trailer is a standard trailer without rollers. This means that the boat can be floated over the trailer, winched to the front, and then pulled out of the water. A large boat such as this, which is likely to be over 20 feet in length, would have a heavy load on the trailer’s carpet. It would be a difficult task to lift the boat from its cradle without straps. Likewise, this much mass doesn’t like abrupt changes in direction.

We are just thankful that there were no serious injuries. This could have been worse, judging by the way that the boat cut across the truck.