Ferrari can be aggressive when it comes to protecting their image.
Ferrari The manufacturer of supercars and hypercars in high-performance Italian design is known for their stunning designs and powerful engines. It is also known for its racing heritage and pillars of exclusivity. They are known for being very active in seeking legal action against anything that might or may not harm the brand’s reputation or image. According to the Financial Times, Ferrari is now suing a charity for using the Purosangue name. This word means “thoroughbred” and “pure blood”, which also happens to be associated with the manufacturer. First-ever performance SUV of this type yet to be revealed.

As a symbol of their anti-doping advocacy, the Purosangue Foundation chose this name. The foundation funds elderly health checks and training camps in Kenya for runners. It also claimed that the foundation had trademarked the term for clothing and other products in 2013. They tried to get in touch with Ferrari but could not reach an agreement. Ferrari was then prevented from registering the trademark in Europe. Ferrari claims that the foundation has not used the Pursoangue name enough to merit exclusivity. They cite the absence of use in the last five years.
Alessandro Masetti representing the charity foundation stated that it is clearly a “David against Goliath” case. He said there are plenty of evidence and that Adidas even had a partnership to make branded shoes and clothing. Max Monteforte (founder of Purosangue Foundation) said, “I’m not going to be scared of, even though we are up against the most important brands worldwide.” Bologna will hear the case on March 5.