Beauty is in the math equation.
Beauty can be difficult to quantify. Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. However, that hasn’t stopped humans from trying to find a formula to capture beauty. The Gold Ratio, a mathematical formula used to calculate the perfect proportions of objects, was applied to the automobile by CarWow. It was used by the pub to determine the best 70-year performance.
The 1964 Ford GT40, which had a 61.64 percent alignment, came in second place in CarWow‘s beauty competition. The 1967 Ferrari 330 GTC Speciale and the 1975 Lotus Elite rounded out the top five, with 61.15, 60%, and 59.95% alignments. Sixth place is the 1962 Chevrolet Corvette C2 Stingray (58.86%), followed by the 1967 Ferrari 330 P4 (58.53%), the 1974 Alfa Romeo Alfetta (58.53%), and the 1966 Lamborghini Miura (55.73%), and the 1969 Maserati Indiy (57.55%).
CarWow measured 14 points on each car to determine its Golden Ratio. This was done by looking at the car from a front-on perspective. In the publication, the measurement of the windshield corners, headlights, and side mirrors is given as an example. CarWow used this data to calculate and compare distance ratios in order to determine how closely a vehicle’s design follows the Golden Ratio. has the complete 100-car ranking.