Literally, it’s poetic.
The poem is for those who have slept through literature classes at college or high school. It’s about standing at a crossroads in a road. After observing and considering the diverging paths, the narrator chooses the less traveled route. This is the simplest interpretation, but there are many other interpretations. It’s all about making your own path through life. Others say it’s about regretting bad choices. The Road Not Ttaken is the title instead of The Road Less Traveled.
Frost wrote the poem, allegedly as a joke about his friend who wasn’t happy with the way they walked. This interpretation suggests that the narrator of the poem is not Frost but his friend who is unhappy with the choice of the wrong path. It’s poetry. And if you don’t know it, the author was awake during those literature classes. That’s another discussion.
The Bronco is sure to enjoy talking about the importance of taking the less traveled roads, regardless of how it is interpreted. Although this director’s cut is said to have been a real Ford commercial, it is quite artistic. However, we think the core message might have been lost in translation. A clear message truly is essential when marketing a new car.