They may find it difficult, but they will try.
Previously, had reported the BMWV12 found in the 7Series was not far away from this world. According to Mark Twain’s words, reports about its demise were exaggerated.
According to Top Gear who spoke with Michael Bayer from BMW, the V12 should last at least until 2023. Bayer believes that the engine could be made compliant with the Euro emissions regulations.
Learn More about the 7 Series
This would mean we’d still have the BMW V12 in our 7 Series well into the 20s. BMW will become the only choice for those who want the largest and best.
This might help a few Mercedes-Benz customers to convert when their leases expire or when it is time to purchase their next luxury sedan. This has been BMW’s goal since the early 1970s with the 7 Series.
Every BMW 7 Series offers an optional V12 starting with the second generation. A BMW 7 Series with V12 power has been the best option for generations of BMW owners.
Future of the V12
In the second generation, in the late 1980s, BMW engineers developed a V16 engine. This engine was used to create a 7 Series test model codenamed “Goldfish”. It was never produced. It is clear that the decision to consider it was made in light of changing priorities over 30 years.
The 7 Series is not a BMW volume model, but it serves an important function as a flagship sedan. BMW seems to be willing to make the effort to stay at the top of luxury sedans, at least when it comes to engine size.
We initially believed that BMW’s V8- and V12-powered engines would soon be discontinued. However, it turns out we were wrong. We have never been happier to be wrong.