Bugatti Veyron replica sells for almost $60k

Bugatti Veyron replica sells for almost $60k
This Veyron replica was based on a Mercury Cougar Chassis and sold for $59,000.

A person with very strange tastes bought a Bugatti Venon-like, based on a 2001 Mercury Cougar chassis. The seller’s description, which included the words “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW BIG A ROCKSTAR THIS WILL BE”, convinced him. YOU WILL STOP TRAFFIC ANYWHERE YOU GO.”

Although we aren’t big fans of replicas, this one is a good choice. The fiberglass body should fool even the most experienced eye, at least when seen from far away. The seller also mentions that his replica includes a functional rear wings, although it is not visible in the pictures. The Veyron impersonator doesn’t have the W16 engine. Instead, it has a 3.0-liter Duratec-V6 engine that was sourced from a Mercury Stable. According to the seller, the engine is fitted with an SVO intake. It also has a custom exhaust that “sounds unbelievable”. The ad doesn’t give a precise output, but it is likely to be a little more than the 201 horsepower of the stock Mercury Stable.

You’ll be able to see inside the cabin that it doesn’t look like a Mercury Cougar. This is because the creator spent time altering the cabin to look like the Veyron. Although the effort is admirable in some ways, it is easy to see that this is a knockoff. One person liked the entire package and agreed to buy it at the $59,900 “buy it now”. He could have bought a new (real) BMWM3 for $4,000 less. But different strokes for different people…