Chevy Corvette owner films his car as it goes up in flames

Chevy Corvette owner films his car as it goes up in flames

It hurts to see

Sometimes cars catch fire. There are many causes and it can be difficult to extinguish a car that is on fire. Fluids, fabrics and other flammable materials are common in modern vehicles. A 2014 Chevy corvette owner found out how difficult it was to extinguish a car fire after his car caught on fire.

After he was freed, the man started recording video of the fire. However, it seems like he had trouble getting out of his vehicle. It is not clear whether the fire prevented him from fleeing. The Corvette is completely engulfed by flames as they pour out of its cabin at the beginning of the video. This footage shows the fire’s progress from the cabin to its rear. As various chemicals and fluids combust, there are a lot of crackles and flames.

Chevy Corvette owner films his car as it goes up in flames

The Corvette is completely engulfed by flames when the fire department arrives. When firefighters attempt to put out the fire, you can see sparks flying into the air. The video cuts multiple times to show firefighters’ slow progress in putting out the flames. According to the owner of the car, the fuel leak continued to fuel fire.

The firefighters put out the flames and the owner comes closer to inspect the damage. The front fender of the driver is gone and the vehicle is total loss. The interior has been completely destroyed. The fire engine arrives and takes the Chevy away. Once it is on the flatbed, firefighters remove any remaining pieces of the Corvette using a shovel.

The owner didn’t give any explanations as to what caused the fire. He did however mention that he would make another video about the events. Although it is sad to see someone’s vehicle destroyed, it is a blessing that no one was injured in the incident. The owner said that you can still replace a car but it doesn’t make any more.