It was also full of dirt and other debris.
Two years ago, reports surfaced about a Colorado Elk that had a tire around its neck. Despite numerous sightings, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officers had never been able to capture the animal to take the tire off. Two officers managed to find the elk and calm it down before finally removing the tire.
It’s unclear how the elk, estimated to be a four-and-a-half-year-old weighing over 600 pounds, got the tire around its neck or when it happened. The prevailing years had allowed the elk’s antlers to grow, making it difficult to remove the tire. Wildlife officers were forced to take them off. The steel bands of the tire were too strong for them to cut. It was difficult to remove the tire from its steel bands, which were clogged with dirt and other debris. After removing the tire and all the debris that had been in it, the officers estimated that the elk was about 35 pounds lighter. The elk has suffered little damage from the tire over the years. Scott Murdoch, Colorado Parks and Wildlife officer, stated that the animal sustained a nickel-to-a-quarter-sized injury to its neck. The elk was also able to remove a little bit of its hair, but otherwise appeared healthy.
The department made the fourth attempt to capture the bull in the space of a week. Officer Dawson Swanson was following the bull after it was reported in Colorado near Pine. He found it among a group of 40 elk. Swanson was able get within striking distance and struck the bull with his dart. While Swanson, Murdoch and nearby neighbors removed the tire quickly, the rest of the herd fled into the woods. After the tire was removed, officers revived the elk and it was soon back on its feet. Colorado Parks and Wildlife stated that the elk was a “highlight” of how residents should live with wildlife. Elk are notorious for digging their heads into objects when they forage for food. According to the Colorado department, it has reported that many animals have been caught in common-man-made items like hammocks, swing sets, nets for volleyball, tires, and other such things.