You can still use gasoline to run it.
The Chrysler Turbine cars could run on a variety of “fuels”, including diesel, jet fuel, vegetable oils, and even tequila. Although it was an ambitious experiment in early 1960s to look at alternative fuel sources for cars, it was not as ambitious as this 1995 Dodge Dakota on Craigslist . The truck bed has a gasifier that allows it to burn gasoline and firewood.
The Dodge advertises that the truck “runs great,” has a solid body, is in “nice condition”, and is “very reliable.” It still has its carbureted V8 engine as well as an automatic gearbox. Photos show a well-maintained truck. Although the red paint appears a little faded, this could be due to poor image quality. We can’t see any rust and can’t find any significant dents or dings.
Although it runs on gasoline like any other truck, it can also run on wood through a wood gasification process that turns wood into fuel at extremely high temperatures. If you don’t require it, the listing states that the equipment can be removed easily from the truck. The equipment can, apparently, also power an external generator. Although it’s not as exciting to use tequila in this way, why waste good alcohol?
The truck is being offered at $4,500 by the seller. This price seems reasonable considering that you can remove the gasifier to make it a regular pickup truck. The truck’s mileage is 98,000, which matches the vehicle’s well-kept condition. Although gasifiers have been around since the inception of the automobile industry, they only became popular during World War I’s fuel shortages. You can find a variety of vehicles that use gasifiers in late-model cars by doing a quick internet search. This alternative fuel source has been a hobby for many years, but it is not widely used.