Honda’s UNI-CUB personal mobility system has been unveiled. It includes balance control technology as well as an omni-directional driving mode.
While German automakers are busy creating pedelec bicycles and electric scooters, Japan is still at the forefront in weird, futuristic mobility devices. Honda’s UNICUB concept is an evolution of its U3X prototype.
The UNI-CAB is the ultimate personal mobility device. It features balance control technology, an omnidirectional driving system and an omnidirectional driving system. Users can adjust their speed and direction by shifting weight.
A lithium-ion battery provides power, allowing the device to travel up to 6 km (3.7 miles), at speeds of up to 6 km/h (3.75 mph).
Honda will start testing the UNICUB next month. All findings will be used to develop “next generation mobility technologies”.