Michigan Police Force to Reduce Patrols Due To Record-High Gas Prices

Michigan Police Force to Reduce Patrols Due To Record-High Gas Prices

The Sheriff directed the deputies “to manage any calls that are acceptable over the telephone.”

The fuel prices are on the rise, and more so in Michigan, where the average gasoline price is $5.21 per gal. According to the American Automobile Association, this is a 50 cent difference from the $4.71/gallon price last week.

Fuel-saving measures have been put in place in the Great Lake State, which includes the Michigan State Police. The record-breaking fuel prices have caused Isabella County Sheriff Michael Main to declare that the county has “exhausted” its fuel budget at the moment. There are still several months before the budget reset can be completed, Fox News reports.

Main instructed the police to “try to manage any calls that are acceptable over the telephone.” These calls include calls that are not in progress, calls that are not life-threatening, and calls which do not require physical presence by the police, such as evidence collection or documentation.

This doesn’t mean the Michigan State Police will no longer patrol the streets.

Main stated that while the deputies will continue to patrol all parts of the county, they will also respond to calls that require management in person.

“Any call that involves active suspects will be responded to by the deputies. “Safety is our main goal and we will continue responding to these types of calls,” I want to reassure the community.

Businesses are also affected by the rising fuel prices, in addition to the police. Uber increased its prices by imposing a surcharge in March due to rising fuel costs. According to JATO dynamics, Americans preferred large vehicles such as trucks and SUVs, even though the surcharge was added. This trend is likely to continue despite the global oil crisis.