Pontiac Aztek Redesign: A cleaner SUV for Walter White

Are the clever making an improvement?

Ah, yes, the Pontiac Aztek. The Pontiac Aztek was the most ugly car on the road in 2001. This was a joy for Mustang II and Gremlin lovers. It was oddly popular, especially because of its role in the AMC series Breaking Bad as Walter White’s driver. However, the vehicle remains the most unattractive car on the planet.

Modern designers find it an appealing challenge. Sketch Monkey YouTube for the solution. This is his second attempt at the Aztek. His first facelift attempt. In May 2019, improvements were made to the system, but we all agreed that the face was still something a mother (or perhaps a struggling teacher of chemistry) could love.

Pontiac Aztek Redesign: A cleaner SUV for Walter White

The Aztek’s backside is the focus of this time. It was not an easy task, according to the video. You’re seeing three days of pain and frustration in just 10 minutes. We think it was a good time spent. This video explains two of the Aztek’s main problems: body lines that are too long and proportions that are too extreme. The video does an admirable job of dealing with these issues.

This is very Honda-esque, for reasons we don’t understand. This could be a future Civic-based crossover. Is anyone else feeling this? Or are you still feeling the negative effects of too many vodka tonics after the New Year’s Eve celebration?

We think this redesign is a significant improvement over the Aztek. We are now curious how a Gremlin could look with some modern updates.