Although the driver was not hurt, his internet rep is in serious condition.
Before you click the video, here’s a quick reminder. The clip contains some not-safe-for work language, but it’s normal when a Scion FRXS in a custom Scion does a complete 360-spin in front you and crashes into a pole. The action was posted on Instagram by h3rcu13s_frs.
As the Instagram post opens with a description, we will assume that h3rcu13s (henceforth called Hercules since we hate numbers in our names) is the driver for this red Scion. If the description is correct, nothing actually happened. Hercules was performing a drive-by to take the camera’s picture when the rear end of the car moved out. The Scion spun into traffic and came to a halt against a telephone pole. Hercules was not injured, and there wasn’t even a scratch to his post. He’s also apparently done with cars. At least for now.
We tried to scroll through the comments to find out if there was any additional information. However, it has 121,844 views in three days. The comments are filled with Mustang crash references, and trash talk about Hercules not being able to drive. The FR-S was certainly not stock, with a widebody kit and fat tire that could be pushed to breaking point on deep dish rims.
Hercules claims he didn’t intend to drift at the time of the accident, but it sounds like the engine was running full throttle when the car smashed into the wall. Even though the mill was not stock, it is possible to believe that the tires outstretched lost traction simply because they were outstretched. Although sculpted cars can look great, they don’t necessarily drive well.
We are glad Hercules is alright, and we know that you have also made mistakes behind the wheel. This lesson in physics, and the viral internet posts that he shared with us, will hopefully translate into something positive.