Enjoy in-car entertainment at a whole new level
Entertainment and driving go hand in hand. Each car comes with its own infotainment system, which should entertain the driver as well as all occupants.
Automakers strive to make their vehicles’ head units the best. However, they also offer the option for buyers to add entertainment for the rear passengers, much like the Ford Explorer. The Explorer’s dual-headrest DVD entertainment system can cost an extra $1,995, but Subaru offers something much cheaper.
Subaru unveils the Starlink Entertainment Anywhere Kit, which includes two 9.7 inch iPad 32GB WiFi models, two Harman Karadon Bluetooth headphones and two Otterbox Defender Series iPad cases. The price? $970.
Subaru Starlink Entertainment Anywhere kit is designed to provide entertainment that passengers can enjoy outside of the car. Subaru’s package can help you save hundreds of dollars. You can see that each item would cost around $669, $329 for iPad, $250 for Bluetooth headphones and $90 for an iPad case. This would save you $368 by purchasing a pair of each.
This kit is available to Subaru customers. However, as it stands, it seems more appropriate with the 2019 ASCENT, which was the first Japanese marque to offer an in-vehicle Wi–Fi hotspot. There will be Wi-Fi capabilities on other Subarus, such as the 2019 Forester.
Although you may argue that the Explorer offers more, Subaru’s Starlink Entertainment Anywhere combines the Explorer’s headrest-mounted display and its mobility. It would be great if the kit came with car mounts.
We know what you are thinking. It’s time for you to visit Subaru dealers and purchase the kit, even if your subie is not yet owned. You can’t buy it after you purchase a vehicle or lease.