Watch This Lambo Turn into a Yellow Submarine on Flooded Florida Highway

Floods are not something you should experience, even if you have a car that can get through them.

Lamborghini is known for its wedge-shaped cars. Lambos are aerodynamic because they sit low to the ground. They can cut through air or, in this instance, through floods.

The video embedded above shows a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder cutting through the Florida floods. According to Newsweek the car was seen driving along a flood road in Fort Lauderdale during Tropical Storm Eta.

The Huracan almost got submerged in water once, and we feel sorry for the Italian sports car that will undoubtedly suffer from the consequences. A Huracan Spyder can be purchased for hundreds of thousands of Dollars, so we think that this will cost the car a lot of money and it will most likely end up being repaired.

Watch This Lambo Turn into a Yellow Submarine on Flooded Florida Highway

The Huracan’s engine is located at the rear, so it is likely that it survived the traverse. However, floodwater is not supposed to enter the engine bay, as it can cause corrosion to the metal parts.

Except if your vehicle is an SUV designed to swim through water for recreational purposes. The Huracan, however, is not that vehicle.

We have seen motorists try to fight floodwater head-on many times. But we are here to remind them that it won’t work in your favor long-term. You can wait for the floodwater to recede if you are able. Safety should always be your top priority.