It has 1,200 horsepower and all-wheel drive.
Before we can go any further, let’s talk about heroic. Although there are many possible meanings for the word, they all point to some degree of courage, grandeur, or both. Merriam-Webster defines heroic as “a feat of courage, power, extent, or effect that is extraordinary in size, power, scope, or effect.”
Is there any better way to describe 1,200 horsepower from the 2.0-liter engine? It’s a great feat in any automobile application. But in a Mk2 Volkswagen Golf, it’s even more remarkable. Is it possible to transcend heroic? Perhaps Biblically heroic? This is especially true when you consider that the Golf defeats a large army of supercars, and kills all of them.
A BMW M5, Lamborghini Aventador and a modified Nissan GT-R are some of the casualties. The current boss of hypercars is a Bugatti Chiron. The video actually shows that the mega-Golf speeds the Chiron to speeds of 180 miles an hour by several minutes.
This Volkswagen is a bonkers Boba Motors. The most striking aspect of this super-hot hatchback, aside from its horsepower, is how stocky it looks. The VeeDub is able to upgrade its engine with a variety of upgrades, including a single turbo that gives it 64 pounds more boost. We need to find another level of heroichere.
This connects to an all wheel drive platform with a dog ring transmission because no standard synchromesh box could handle such powerful acceleration. You might be asking how violent? Boba Motoring claims that the Golf can reach 60 mph in 2.3 seconds and 130 mph in just 3.4 seconds. The Golf can turn a quarter-mile at 169 mph in 8.69 seconds and top speed is around 218 miles an hour.
This raises the old debate between stock and modified. However, most cars in the video are unmodified. It’s not an apples-to-oranges comparison. Then there’s the issue of longevity. 64 pounds of boost could have repercussions at some point.
Speed is speed. And there’s no doubt that this Volkswagen has a penchant for bending space-time. It is our hero of the day.