The New Mercedes-Benz Unimog Corners like It’s on Rails

The New Mercedes-Benz Unimog Corners like It's on Rails

It is.

Mercedes-Benz Unimog. Although it may be a strange name this amazing workhorse can go anywhere and do anything has been doing the job for over 70 years. The first Unimog production arrived in Germany shortly after the end World War II. It was originally an agricultural vehicle. The Unimog has served many purposes over the years, including as a military truck, a Dakar support beast, firefighter, and even an epic camping vehicle. It also works on the railways around the world. It doesn’t maintain the tracks in any way, but it does work while riding along the tracks.

Mercedes calls the Unimog rail-capable a road-railer. The latest model will be displayed at the InnoTrans Berlin show, which runs from today through the weekend. The Unimog is equipped with hydraulically-operated train wheels that keep it on the track. It also rides on specially designed automotive wheels and tires that can stick rubber to the rails for gripping and pulling power. It can pull its own weight and more. The Unimog can pull up to 1000 metric tons (or more than 2.2 million pounds) of train depending on its configuration.

The New Mercedes-Benz Unimog Corners like It's on Rails

Once everything is completed, the Unimog moves on to the next job. It’s no wonder that rail companies have used Unimogs for years as shunters (rail terminology for equipment used for moving and positioning rail cars).

Mercedes-Benz has a new Unimog road-railer drivetrain option. It features a combination torque-converter clutch with hydrostatic traction drive. This new Unimog is capable of pulling large loads and can also use various PTO-style attachments. InnoTrans has several examples, including a Unimog that can be used to clear rail right-of way areas, an Unimog equipped with an elevated platform and a radio-controlled Unimog with a crane.

If you go for a drive next time the rail crossing gates open, don’t be surprised to see a Unimog cross your path.