The Ultimate Guide to Getting Cleaning Ideas for Your Car Windows

Cleaning car windows

Cleaning car windows can be messy. Not so fun-the irregular shape and angle of car windows make the whole processing of cleaning difficult. But you do not have to like doing it, you can at least love the perfectly clean, clear and bright windows which are a result of truly good washing. Ideally, car windows should be cleaned regularly. Dirty or water-spotted windows can be a safety hazard. In addition, no matter how expensive or beautiful your car look, dirty windows will always ruin the appearance of the car.

What is the best to use to clean car windows?

Best car and popular window cleaning agents

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Part of what makes car window washing such a chore is that some cleaners do more harm than good. For example, if you rub your car windows with newspaper, spray cleaner or grease you may just be moving dirt from one spot to another and putting a static charge on the window which attracts dirt. When you are done cleaning the window you will not like the results-the dirt will be back. However, it is simpler and more effective to clean your car windows like a pro with the guidance below using the discussed cleaners.

Cleaning car window with alcohol

The best and easiest solution to use to clean windows eyeglasses included is alcohol. It dries fast and is inexpensive. You will have your windows bright and shiny by just rubbing them with alcohol. Use any of the two methods to clean your car windows with alcohol as explained below.

Method 1 – Fill a spray bottle with alcohol, then spray the window and wipe with a lint piece of cloth. Method 2– First, wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth to get rid of loose dust and dirt. – Then pour half a cup of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and fill the rest with tap water.- Shake well to mix the products. The cleaning solution is ready, you can now spray the window and allow the solution to rest for some time.- The sitting will help dissolve dirt, dust, grease and other stains.- Then polish your window with newspaper to leave a polished look with no streaks. You will be amazed by how bright your windows will be.

Cleaning car window with newspaper

Newspaper works pretty well to give you clean car windows. If you are tired of little bits of lint left behind after cleaning your car windows with a paper towel, worry no more. Your car windows do not have to look as though they were not cleaned in the first place again. All you need is a dirty window, newspaper, window spray or vinegar, and water and just follow the guide below. If you opt to use window spray, then the cleaning may be easier for you.

Step 1– Choose a spray with a nice smell to add scent to your car-it will be refreshing. If you go for vinegar, then you will have to dilute it with tap water. A good recipe is in the ratio of 50 percent water is to 50 percent vinegar. Step 2– Apply the cleaning solution on the window or dip one edge of the newspaper in the solution and rub the window with it. Step 3– Clean in a circular pattern to break down all the spots. Then followed by a vertical pattern ending with a horizontal stroke. Do this until all the solution and spots disappear and you are left with sparkling clean and shiny windows.

If you do not have vinegar just use tap water and a newspaper and follow the following steps

Step 1– Take a newspaper and then fold it to a small size.Step 2 – Dip the folded newspaper in a clean basin of clean water, preferably tap water. When the newspaper is soaking wet, squeeze it similar to the way you would do to a sponge. Making sure it is left dump or moist so that it is not running down in streams while cleaning the window. Step 3 – The newspaper all over the surface of the window starting with circular stroke an ending with vertical or horizontal. Step 4– Let it sit for a few minutes then dry the window with a clean, dry newspaper. Wipe it until there is no more water left and the window looks clean. 

The two methods can be used for both the insides and outsides of the window. Avoid contacting the window frames, but if you wash, dry them immediately to prevent any damage.

Can you use vinegar to clean car windows?

Cleaning car windows with vinegar

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You will be surprised at just how powerful vinegar is as a cleaning solution. Since the stains and dirt are alkaline, the acidic nature of vinegar reacts fast to break down any form of dirt that accumulates on the car window. When you use a cleaning solution that contains vinegar you will never be disappointed-your car windows will be sparkling clean and bright. The good thing is vinegar solution is not harmful to humans if inhaled or ingested, so you do not have to be worrying about your kids while cleaning.

Under this cleaning agent you will learn:a)How to make your own vinegar car window washing solutionb)What type of solution you will need depending on how dirty your windows arec)How to clean a car window using a vinegar solution

If you have never cleaned your car windows with vinegar or it has been long since you have used the solution, then a stronger solution will be more effective as compared to weak. Mix hot water to distilled vinegar and dishwashing detergent and put it in a spray bottle. Shake well and apply to the window according to instructions given below.

Step 1: For sponge car window cleaning, first moisten the window with the solution then cleanStep 2: While for squeegee cleaning you will have to always moisten the squeegee first and then clean the window from top to bottom. Also, wipe the edge of the squeegee after every stroke.

For best results do the cleaning when there is no direct sunlight on the car windows. To avoid damaging your window frames it is necessary to rinse and dry them immediately. If after cleaning you still have highly resistant spots then try rubbing hard with a clean cloth dipped in undiluted vinegar. On the other hand, if you clean your car windows regularly there is no need to use a strong vinegar solution, a weak one will do great. Mix a cup of distilled vinegar with a cup of tap water. The ratio of water and vinegar should be 50 percent is to 50 percent. Use the guidelines above to clean the windows. Other acidic solutions for window cleaning include; lemon juice, baking soda, and toothpaste solution.

How to clean car windows with tint

The best way to clean tinted car windows

Having your car tinted is an excellent way to enhance your vehicle. While some cars come tinted others are not, and we have them tinted. The advantages of tint windows are numerous, ranging from privacy protection from sun heat to polished look from the outside. Cleaning windows with tint can be easy than you think as long as you know what to avoid when cleaning. Below are tips which will help you care for your window tints so that they last as long as possible.

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Clean your car window tint naturally

First of all, ensure you do not use products which have ammonia to clean the windows. Windows tint is a thin plastic film which can be damaged by complicated products. Also, use only soft cloths for both cleaning and drying the windows. When cleaning the windows use a microfiber cloth or paper towel, spray bottle and water. Then spray the window with the water. After a few minutes wipe the window with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. To look for traces of dirt, use the fresh side of the piece of cloth to repeat the procedure.Remember to roll the window down to be able to clean the top edge of the window. Repeat the procedure for all windows then clean the interior windows.

Cleaning very dirty tint windows

Well, sometime your windows could be very dirty. You could have had a drive in an extremely dusty road or even splashed mud to the windows the list is endless. Very dirty windows are also common for those who smoke in the car as the heater core easily leaks leaving coolant residue on the window. In such a case you have to clean your windows carefully to avoid damaging them. The best cleaner to remove the stain is soap and water mixture, then follow up with the normal window cleaning procedure, that is cleaning window tint naturally, to remove the streaks. You will need dishwashing soap, a bucket of warm water, microfiber cloth, and a soft sponge. Mix the dishwashing soap in the basin of warm water and let the sponge soak in the warm water. Then rub the car windows. Ensure water is not running down the car windows. Also rinse the sponge regularly and keep squeezing out. Wipe down the windows and repeat the procedure for all windows. The treatment can be used for both inside and outside windows.You can now clean your tinted windows after they dry. Ensure while you are cleaning your tinted windows you are also paying attention to your windows, you do not want to leave them out. Make sure if you notice anything wrong you visit a certified mechanic to have a look at them. This will prevent further damage.

Is it ok to clean car windows with Windex?

Cleaning car windows with Windex

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One of the most common and popular myth in car windows cleaning is that cleaners containing Windex will do more damage to your car than good. People say that Windex is bad for car windshield, as well as side-view and rear-view of car windows. But in reality, experts reports no such hazard.Actually, you should know glass which is the car window material is used to hold most of the liquids without degrading it in any way. Did you know that Windex was initially sold in glass containers before the invention of plastic containers? You will be amazed to know that Windex cleaner is highly recommended for disinfecting purpose. The best part of it is that the cleaner comes with different colors and scents.

To clean your car windows using Windex follow the instructions below.Step 1: Spray the glass from top left Step 2: Stroke the cleaning solution off before moving to the next spot. Do the cleaning in a circular pattern throughout the window preferably in a clockwise stroke. Step 3: Use a clean, dry cloth to dry the solution until you are left with unbeatable free streak shiny window.

You can use Windex ammonia-free cleaner on your tinted windows, mirror or glass.

Homemade Car Window Cleaner

Best 3 cleaning car windows homemade cleaners

If you are having a challenge getting the right car window cleaning solution, you are in the right place. With the tips below on how to make a window cleaner while just at home you will not only love the shiny windows but also cleaning will become your favorite thing.

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Auto glass cleaner

This is a very easy and efficient cleaner to make. The ingredients for this cleaner is one cup of distilled water, one cup of isopropyl alcohol, two table teaspoonful of white vinegar, and a spray bottle of your choice. For your contingency, you can use a spray bottle which is portable and friendly so that you can spray your car window anytime you want. To make the cleaner add water to the spray followed by isopropyl alcohol than white vinegar. Shake the components well in the spray bottle, and then you are ready to clean your car windows

Homemade vinegar car window cleaner

For this cleaner, you need vinegar a quarter cup, distilled water two cups, half teaspoonful dish detergent, microfiber cloth, and a spray bottle. Mix vinegar with distilled water, followed by detergent in the spray bottle. Shake well to mix evenly. You can now use the microfiber cloth and the cleaner to clean your car windows.

Baking soda window cleaner

Baking soda can make the best natural cleaner for your car windows. Baking soda works like sandpaper brushing away all the dirt, dust and stain. For best results follow it up with water and vinegar solution. Start by dumping a soft cloth and sprinkling baking powder on it. Rub down the window with the baking powder. Then wipe down the window with a clean piece of cloth. For brighter window follow this up with vinegar-water or vinegar-lemon-water cleaner.