Watch Camaro Drag Car go Airborne and Landing

Houston, we have a problem.

Drag racing is a motorsport that most petrolheads know about. Straight-line competition isn’t always easy. A recent FloRacing video shows a series unfortunate events that involved an airborne Camaro.

Before we begin, let’s not forget the Mustang that was in the opposite lane. It maintained control throughout the race, despite being impacted by the events. Let’s look at the catalysts that led to this incredible display of automotive aeronautics.


It’s not surprising that these cars are able to wheelie the drag strip in their entirety from the beginning. The Camaro does experience a front-axle lift at launch but the wheels return to normal and everything looks normal. The Camaro’s front-end bounces up into the air, leading to airborne antics.

The driver throws the chute with skill shortly after the wheels have left the ground. The chute not only slows the car down but also returns it to the ground without causing it to flip. After this terrifying experience, we’d guess both drivers needed to stop for a long time.

The run was not only going to require a new set Nomex undies but the final result would also have to be thrown out as the Camaro crossed into another lane. This has to be one the most impressive saves we have seen in a while. If this continues, the NHRA may need to require pilot and racing licenses in order to allow these men to compete.